Thursday, September 27, 2007

I'm heading up to the Mississippi Music Educators Fall Workshop tomorrow morning, so I won't be in class to day. My favorite substitute, Terry Higginbotham, will be here though, and rest assuerd that everything will go wonderfully.
Students, enjoy the PEP RALLY! GO GREYHOUNDS! ( I fixed it! - note to self - use spellcheck)

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Setting up my blog

Hi everybody!

Well, this is the setup stage of Mr. Jay's web blog. I've got a really interesting thing to share with you today.

ANIMUSIC, If you haven't heard of it, IT'S AWESOME!
Parents, this is what Disney's Fantasia would be like had it been created 3 years from now.
Kids, this stuff rocks!

Here's a link to the website Animusic. Go see it for yourself.

The most incredible thing about this project is that everything you see and hear was created by a computer.
Please feel free to let me know what you think - post a reply.