Thursday, September 27, 2007

I'm heading up to the Mississippi Music Educators Fall Workshop tomorrow morning, so I won't be in class to day. My favorite substitute, Terry Higginbotham, will be here though, and rest assuerd that everything will go wonderfully.
Students, enjoy the PEP RALLY! GO GREYHOUNDS! ( I fixed it! - note to self - use spellcheck)


Shelly said...

Well you have fun at your day of music. Bring back some fun stuff to include in your blogs. I'm looking forward to what you bring back with you. Oh by the way, my sons--whom I think you taught at one time or another--would tell me that your school mascot is NOT the geryhounds but the Greyhounds. As I don't live in or teach in OS, I normally wouldn't tell you that I agree with your statement of GO GREYHOUNDS. But as I have had one son graduate and another currently enrolled in OS high school, I'll ditto your enthusiasm!

g.freeland said...

Hey! Looks good. I think I may be getting the hang of this.

Liz said...

I enjoyed your going to your website and seeing your wonderful photography. It's just amazing and the babies are precious!