Monday, October 22, 2007

podcasts coming

Well, I've been working on editing my audio podcasts - I've got two started, and one just about ready. I'll let you know how to get them as soon as I can get them finished, compressed, and online.

The first one is hilarious - K-2 students answering questions about music and composers

Q: Who was Beethoven?
A: My neighbor has a dog just like Beethoven, I don't have a dog though Mommy said we could get a cat

The second one is more about my rant about folk music

I will say this - recording a podcast was not as hard as I thought it would be - you should try it! Share your thoughts with the world!!! Get a microphone and get to it. There's also a great tool you can use to edit your recordings - Audacity - It does take some work to learn, but you can do some really wonderful things with it (remember though - export as mp3 don't try to "save as".)


Liz said...

I can't wait to hear your podcasts. Nobody but other teachers ever believes all of the hilarious information we hear in a day's time. I have started writing the best quotes down. You're doing even better...getting it live in the child's own voice.

Shelly said...

I agree, teachers could make so much on the comical sayings of children, or the notes written by parents--but you two are much smarter than I am--in that you actually are recording for posterity's sake. Please, Mr. Jay, even if our class is done and over with--continue this blog--I love to see what you're up to with your classes. In addition, some of us just like to see what technology you have mastered to be able to use with your classes. So keep it up--and keep up the good work that you've been doing with the technology!

Mrs. Ashe said...

I know your podcast will be great! Your enthusiasm is amazing. And you're say the funniest things! I could write a book!

For example, one first grade special student once ran up to the teacher and cried, "She called me the F-word!"

"What?" the teacher responded.

"She called me the F-word!" he cried again.

"What exactly did she say?" asked the teacher, trying to get the facts.

And looking up at the teacher with big teary eyes, the little boy stammered, "She...she called me... STUPID!"