Friday, October 12, 2007

wiki time

I've also started a wikispace that's related to folk music and elementary music education. Feel free to check it out.

Here's the link

Feel free to be an observer and/or a contributor.


Shelly said...

OK your music wiki is on its way. I've added my 2 cents worth--and probably should not have. When you mention "old" music, what are you considering old? Just curious!

Have a great 4 day weekend--and CONGRATULATIONS on your team beating mine on the field Friday. Not that there was really any surprise to that, but I thought I'd congratulate you anyway. My son (who may be one of your former students) had to rub it in after the game finished last night!

The Twilbecks said...

by "old" I mean music from the 13th - 17th century