Monday, October 29, 2007

Keeping this thing running

Well, I have to say - this is really been fun. I do however, think that utilizing 2 different google accounts has created some headaches for me. So, I'm going to combine the 2 over the next few weeks and see if I can make them a little more effective.
So, thank you for your views and thoughts - please don't be discouraged if you see some new posts with "dated" material -I'm just trying to make my blog world UNITED!

Listening to podcasts

well, I have to say -I've been really enjoying so many of the education based podcasts lately. Here's my newest favorite

It's a great music quiz podcast. Even with 3 degrees in music and just a thesis and 20hrs away from my PhD, I'm amazed at how well I do some weeks and how pathetically sad I do others.

Download a few - you won't regret it

Monday, October 22, 2007

podcasts coming

Well, I've been working on editing my audio podcasts - I've got two started, and one just about ready. I'll let you know how to get them as soon as I can get them finished, compressed, and online.

The first one is hilarious - K-2 students answering questions about music and composers

Q: Who was Beethoven?
A: My neighbor has a dog just like Beethoven, I don't have a dog though Mommy said we could get a cat

The second one is more about my rant about folk music

I will say this - recording a podcast was not as hard as I thought it would be - you should try it! Share your thoughts with the world!!! Get a microphone and get to it. There's also a great tool you can use to edit your recordings - Audacity - It does take some work to learn, but you can do some really wonderful things with it (remember though - export as mp3 don't try to "save as".)

Friday, October 12, 2007

wiki time

I've also started a wikispace that's related to folk music and elementary music education. Feel free to check it out.

Here's the link

Feel free to be an observer and/or a contributor.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

adding RSS feeds

I'm now feeding the internet.

Hope it's not too hungry!

Thanks to everyone for there great comments - sorry I haven't uploaded any music yet, but there's so many copyright issues to deal with in that aspect.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

I'm heading up to the Mississippi Music Educators Fall Workshop tomorrow morning, so I won't be in class to day. My favorite substitute, Terry Higginbotham, will be here though, and rest assuerd that everything will go wonderfully.
Students, enjoy the PEP RALLY! GO GREYHOUNDS! ( I fixed it! - note to self - use spellcheck)

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Setting up my blog

Hi everybody!

Well, this is the setup stage of Mr. Jay's web blog. I've got a really interesting thing to share with you today.

ANIMUSIC, If you haven't heard of it, IT'S AWESOME!
Parents, this is what Disney's Fantasia would be like had it been created 3 years from now.
Kids, this stuff rocks!

Here's a link to the website Animusic. Go see it for yourself.

The most incredible thing about this project is that everything you see and hear was created by a computer.
Please feel free to let me know what you think - post a reply.